How do I download my ebook?

1. Shortly after completing your purchase, you will receive an email from with the link to download the book. With one click, you can choose to download the ebook to any e-reader and/or most reading apps, so your books are all in one place, and in the format you prefer.

If you have any trouble, click the help link at the top of the BookFunnel page and they’ll be happy to assist you.

If you did not receive your download email, click here:

2. Open the email and click the link to download your copy. 

3. The link will take you to BookFunnel, the book delivery platform. Once you are on the BookFunnel page, click “Get My Book.” 

4. You will be asked to select the type of device on which you would like to read the book. Simply click or tap the button for your preferred device and, like magic, it will appear.

5. Again, should you require any assistance, simply click the "Need help" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page or visit and the amazing team at BookFunnel will ensure you are taken care of.